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Release, Reconnect, Rejuvenate: Join the Surf the Wave Program Today

Harmonic Healing


Embark on a transformative journey with our Harmonic Healing program: Surf the Wave. In collaboration with Ania and Clare it's time to discover a deeper connection with yourself and tap into the wisdom that resides within.

A powerful combination of hypnotherapy, regression, energy healing and balancing for positive beliefs delivers a new way to find freedom and discover your true potential.

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"If you are seeking a genuine transformation that touches the core of your being, then look no further than the remarkable partnership of Ania and Clare." - Andrea T


Surf the Wave: A 4-Week Iterative Journey

Evolve Through Transformation - Your Path To Inner Brilliance

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Ania & Clare:

The Birth of Harmonic Healing.

In our lives, we were guided to follow a path of self-discovery to uncover how our gifts can best serve the world. On our journey, we were brought together – recognizing each other from the dim and distant past, knowing that we should work together to create something powerful in this lifetime – something that could liberate people from the traumas and limiting beliefs that hold them back.


Thus, through this synergistic alliance of two energy healers, Harmonic Healing was born.


Throughout this process, each healing modality builds upon the information provided by the previous session, fostering an iterative cycle of healing that goes much deeper, providing comprehensive and dynamic healing and evolution.


Information provided by the subconscious mind, the archive of all knowledge, is used to get to the deep root of what is holding us back.


Harmonic Healing was created to dig deep into the core issues – not merely to identify the root cause of our limitations but to liberate the spark of your greatness that is yearning to be free.

Welcome to our collaborative online healing program: Surf the Wave, where we invite you to embark on a transformative journey toward reconnecting with yourself on a deeper level. In this program, we aim to guide you toward rediscovering your true essence and restoring harmony within on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Over 4 weeks, we will work together once a week, providing you with the support and guidance needed for your healing journey. Each week, you will have the opportunity to work closely with Ania & Clare, two Master Energy Healers, who will hold a safe and nurturing space for you and your energy.

​Throughout this program, we encourage you to embrace the power of self-discovery as we navigate through each healing element of Surf the Wave using five modalities: Parts Therapy Hypnosis, The Emotion Code/Body Code, Soul Elements Healing, Regression Hypnotherapy and PSYCH-K. You can expect profound insights, emotional releases, and an overall sense of wholeness as we delve into the depths of your being.

Whether you are seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth, or simply wish to cultivate a stronger connection with yourself, our Surf the Wave program offers a comprehensive approach tailored to your unique needs. Through various holistic techniques and personalized sessions, we aim to ignite transformation and empower you to embrace your authentic self.

We sincerely believe that everyone deserves a chance at holistic well-being. So let us embark on this beautiful journey together - creating a space for growth, self-love, and deep reconnection with ourselves.

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Ania and Clare
I recently had the privilege of experiencing a series of hypnosis and energetic healing sessions with the incredible duo, Ania and Clare.
These sessions were life-changing to me
The profound impact they had on me went beyond my expectations, delving deep into my psyche and catalyzing remarkable transformations that have allowed me to break free from stagnation and embrace a renewed sense of purpose."
- Andrea T.


Week 1 - See Me
Week 2 - Uncover
Week 3 - Remember
Week 4 - Freedom

S :: Week 1

Discover the profound wisdom within you and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the beautiful parts that have always nurtured and protected you. Gain clarity on their role in your life and understand how they have been supporting you.

U :: Week 2

Dive deep into the origins of your body's imbalances on an emotional and spiritual level releasing negative emotions, limiting beliefs and physical imbalances that may be holding you back.

R :: Week 3

Journey back to the root experiences that have shaped your beliefs and programs. By revisiting these moments with compassion and understanding, you can gain valuable insights for healing and growth.

F :: Week 4

Find liberation from within as we guide you to transform subconscious programs that hinder your desired outcomes. With simple yet powerful techniques, reprogram self-limiting beliefs at the core level of your mind — where all human behavior originates, allowing true personal transformation to take place.

Who is this for?

Surf the Wave is designed to help you ride the energy currents of your own life with more ease, balance, and harmony. Just like a surfer catching a wave, our energy healing practices help you attune to the ebb and flow of your personal energy field.

We utilize a variety of energy healing techniques, helping you cultivate a sense of tranquility, resilience, and personal empowerment.

Surf the Wave is designed exclusively for you to help:

  • Achieve a sense of inner peace and calm, despite external circumstances.

  • Tap into your body’s natural healing abilities, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Guide you to transform self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level, unlocking your true potential and sparking personal transformation.

This online program, meticulously curated by two Master Energy Healers, Ania and Clare, delivers a unique, transformative experience tailored just for you.


Over the span of 4 weeks, Ania and Clare will be your constant companions, guiding you gently on your healing journey and holding a safe, nurturing space for you and your energy.

People suffering from various issues or conditions might find benefit in the healing transformations of the Surf the Wave program. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Physical Ailments: Chronic pain, frequent illness, fatigue, insomnia, or unexplained physical discomforts.

  • Emotional Disturbances: Experiencing regular bouts of anxiety, depression, mood swings, feelings of anger, irritability, or being constantly overwhelmed.

  • Mental Struggles: Lack of focus, constant mental fog, memory issues, trouble problem-solving or decision-making.

  • Spiritual Disconnection: Feeling lost or detached, lacking purpose or direction, feeling disconnected from oneself or the world around.

  • Relationship Issues: Constant conflict or communication issues in relationships, feelings of loneliness, problems establishing or maintaining connections.

  • Low Self-Esteem: Lack of self-love or self-worth, feelings of inadequacy, or persistent self-doubt.

  • High Stress Levels: Difficulty coping with stress, feeling constantly under pressure, unable to relax or unwind.

  • Persistent Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time despite adequate rest, lack of energy or motivation for daily activities.

  • Lack of Life Purpose: Feeling directionless, dissatisfaction with life, struggling to identify personal or career goals.

  • Stagnant Personal Growth: Feeling stuck or stagnant, unable to break negative habits, struggling with self-improvement.

Key Benefits Include

Personalized Healing:

The program involves weekly one-on-one sessions with Master Energy Healers Ania and Clare providing a safe and nurturing space for individual needs and personal healing journeys.

Removing Blockages:

It enables you to identify and release energetic imprints and blockages, encouraging a deep sense of liberation and personal growth.


By engaging in reflective introspection, you will gain clarity about your internal mechanisms, fostering a deeper understanding of self. This can lead to emotional releases and a profound sense of wholeness.

Understanding Root Experiences:

Surf the Wave facilitates revisiting foundational experiences that have shaped your beliefs, fostering compassion, understanding, and valuable insights for healing.

Emotional and Spiritual Growth:

The program aids in emotional healing, spiritual development, and the cultivation of a stronger connection with yourself.

Freedom from Limiting Beliefs:

You are guided to transform self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level, facilitating true personal transformation.

Personalized Healing
Removing Blockages
Understanding Root Experiences
Emotional and Spiritual Growth
Freedom from Limiting Beliefs

The Surf the Wave program provides an integrative approach to holistic well-being, empowering you to embrace your authentic self while fostering growth, self-love, and reconnection with your inner being.

Meet Ania & Clare

The Harmonic Healing program, Surf the Wave is provided online in collaboration with two Master Energy Healers providing a unique iterative transformative experience. Meet your guides Ania & Clare.

Ania's expertise and compassionate guidance were evident from the moment we beganHer profound understanding of the human psyche and spirituality created a safe and nurturing space where I felt comfortable exploring the depths of my emotions and past experiences. 
Her kindness and professionalism were unwavering,
and I found myself sharing stories, thoughts, and feelings I hadn't even realized were holding me back.
Clare's contribution to the sessions was
equally invaluableHer professionalism and kindness complemented Ania's approach seamlessly, enhancing the overall experience. 
Together, their combined talents formed an extraordinarily potent method that effectively reached the core of my being, bringing to light essential issues
I had long needed to confront."

- Andrea T.

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Each week of Surf the Wave utilizes one of the following five modalities and, in combination over the course of the program, delivers a unique iterative transformative experience.

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Parts Therapy Hypnosis is an effective way of exploring our inner self and understanding how our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are all connected. It involves identifying different parts within us that may be in conflict with each other or causing us distress. Through this process, we can gain insight into our own behavior and create understanding with all parts involved for making positive changes.


The Belief Code, Body Code and Emotion Code is a holistic healing system. The underlying principle is that imbalances in the body's energy can lead to physical, emotional, and mental health problems. It uses muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify these imbalances. Once identified, they are released to restore balance and facilitate the body's natural self-healing capabilities, thereby improving overall health and wellbeing.

Soul Elements Past Life Healing Logo

Soul Elements Healing: Soul Elements are significant Past Life events or memories experienced during a specific past life and can be divided between different phases of the person's life: Birth, childhood, adulthood, old age and death. They are the events that cause an adverse shift or change in the person's life and are often accompanied by negative emotions that were experienced during the event, which the body was unable to process and release at the time. These emotions can create a negative program that can stay with you, affecting not only each subsequent life but also your present life.

National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists Logo

Regression Hypnotherapy: Our reactions in life can seem unrelated to our present life experiences, but they can be explained through Regression Hypnotherapy. With this hypnosis session, we explore the past to delve into the underlying causes of your issue. We are all conditioned into what we are in this moment by the sum total of all the events that we have experienced. This includes all our 'positive' experiences and learnings that benefit us. And all our 'negative' experiences that leave emotional and mental residues that affect us now.

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PSYCH-K is a process of transformation that is non-intrusive and engaging, with a demonstrated history of effectiveness spanning over three decades. This approach involves a potent combination of altering ingrained, self-destructive beliefs at the subconscious level, a process that is simple yet transformative. This revolutionary method enables change at the subconscious strata of our mind, where a staggering 95% of our conscious activity occurs. It outperforms traditional techniques such as visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking, and it proves to be especially effective in altering behavior and habits, promoting wellness, and reducing stress.

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What truly sets Ania and Clare apart is not only their individual expertise but also the harmonious synergy they bring to their collaboration


Their synchronized approach to hypnosis and energetic healing created a powerful and efficient technique that left no stone unturned in my journey of self-discovery. 


The insights gained, and the emotional release I experienced during these sessions were instrumental in propelling me forward on my path of personal growth."

- Andrea T.

How it Works

Each week of your Surf the Wave program, is delivered online, working with either Ania or Clare using one of the five energy modalities: Parts Therapy Hypnosis, The Belief Code, Body Code and Emotion Code, Soul Elements Healing, Regression Hypnotherapy or PSYCH-K.

Surf the Wave is an iterative process. After completion of each week the information gathered is then passed on to Ania or Clare and that information is included in the energy modality being used for the next week's session.

The accumulation of information is added to each session and modality on a week-by-week basis enhancing the healing experience for maximum transformation on completion.

*Iterative refers to a process that repeats itself in a cycle, with each repetition known as an iteration. It often refers to gradually approaching a desired outcome by repeating a sequence of steps and refining the result each time.

Week 1 - See Me
Week 2 - Uncover
Week 3 - Remember
Week 4 - Freedom

Week 1: See Me (Parts Therapy Hypnosis with Ania)

Discover the profound wisdom within you and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the beautiful parts that have always nurtured and protected you. Gain clarity on their role in your life and understand how they have been supporting you.

Week 2: Uncover (The Body Code / Soul Elements Healing with Clare)

Dive deep into the origins of your body's imbalances on an emotional and spiritual level releasing negative emotions, limiting beliefs and physical imbalances that may be holding you back.

Week 3: Remember (Regression Hypnotherapy with Ania)

Journey back to the root experiences that have shaped your beliefs and programs. By revisiting these moments with compassion and understanding, you can gain valuable insights for healing and growth.

Week 4: Freedom (PSYCH-K with Clare)

Find liberation from within as we guide you to transform subconscious programs that hinder your desired outcomes. With simple yet powerful techniques, reprogram self-limiting beliefs at the core level of your mind — where all human behavior originates, allowing true personal transformation to take place.

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Harmonic Healing

Embark on this transformative path towards self-discovery,

healing, and empowerment through Surf the Wave, our Harmonic Healing Program.


Regular Price: $1427

Approx US$735

Spread the cost. Payable in 2 monthly installments.

I wholeheartedly recommend working with Ania and Clare to those who are genuinely prepared to embark on a profound inner journey


Their method is for those who are truly ready to dive deep into their consciousness and make lasting, positive changes. 


If you are seeking a genuine transformation that touches the core of your being, then look no further than the remarkable partnership of Ania and Clare. 


Their exceptional skills, profound understanding, and unwavering kindness will guide you through an experience that has the potential to reshape your life in ways you never thought possible.​"

- Andrea T.

☏ Want to Find Out More? Free Discovery Call with Clare!

If you have any questions about Harmonic Healing and how Surf the Wave can help please contact me for a free 30-minute discovery call on Zoom where we can discuss your issues and find the best solution that will work for you.

Thanks for sending. I will contact you shortly.

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